Chris is such a jerk! Apparently the only thing that they have to do at his company is to Rick Roll people all day long. His boss got it twice today, they all sent each other links with SalesForce tasks with links to this.
I, on the other hand, am proud to say that I was a busy bee at work today! I'm stirring up all sorts of trouble! Why? Why not! I quit my job on Monday! Hahaha, that's right! My last day is next Friday, unless they agree to negotiate with me a bit, in which case I will stay one extra week. We'll see! I've decided that I do want to work, but just not downtown. I'm done with sitting in traffic for 2.5 hours/day! I am going to stay at home for a few weeks (while still taking Will to daycare.. haha!) so that I can get some gardening done, finally decorate the guest room and just have some time to myself before I get back out there again. I'm lucky enough to be able to be fairly picky about the location and job that I take, so we'll see what's out there when I'm ready. I definitely want to be close to Will's daycare, which I will not change. It's so tough to find a daycare that you are happy with, there's no reason to change it.
So, WOOHOO! The countdown begins!
The last 2 weeks feel like forever, at the same time.. it's so awesome, because nothing really matters.
Good luck with your search!!
Yahoo!!! Don't forget to let the stapler fly on your last day!
Hahaha, yessa ma'am! That stapler will have some wings on my last day! I'm going to aim it right at her stupid knitted nipple hat that she insists on wearing IN 80 DEGREE WEATHER.
You'd totally throw something at her, too.
do you already have your week off planned out? i wanna see your list of 'to do's'. Mine would go something like this:
Read a book out by the pool
Work out (maybe)
Nap some more
Play with zeke
Walk to Amy's and get ice cream
Watch movies i haven't seen yet
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